Liza has made profound contributions to society through her advocacy and public speaking. She persistently calls attention to the needs of at-risk students to create new opportunities and improve the quality of life in otherwise capable communities.

As the founder of Texas Techies and PowerUp, Liza advocates for quality and equal opportunity in education by providing at-risk children with an advanced technology curriculum that helps them to develop into engaged global citizens and assets to their families and communities. She recognizes an unspoken expectation that today’s child must be prepared for the high-tech world of tomorrow. Despite the widespread availability of technology and connectivity, many children who come from disadvantaged areas and technologically-disengaged home environments are at risk of being left behind. Having access to learning tools is critical to the development of children and their future contribution to a global and interconnected society.

Texas Techies and PowerUp both create unique, technology-rich learning environments that inspire children to embrace their individual potential and engage with the fast-moving world around them. Liza’s goal for these organizations, in Texas and internationally, is to continue developing educational programs and curriculum that integrate technology and find new ways to connect more children with the tools that will inspire them to start businesses, conduct groundbreaking research, and become active participants in their governments and local communities. In her own words, Liza offers the best expression of her passion for education and her reason for championing it as a vehicle to move society forward without leaving children behind.

Liza understands the importance of outreach and has given a voice to her ideas by sharing them as frequently as she can during her trips home to Kenya. Even when she is away, she delivers talks at venues in Texas and around the United States to make sure that her message is heard internationally. She also collaborates with the leaders in various organizations including Working to Advance African Women (WAAW) Foundation, a U.S.-based non-profit organization that aims to empower African girls and women by promoting science, technology, engineering, and math education to better enable female participation in African innovation.