Our Humanity Speaks – Thank You for Kindness

I was so scared during this election.

I was actually terrified.

If you ask my husband, he will tell you I didn’t want to hear anything about the elections. I didn’t want to talk about it, because I was so terrified that the world around me was not as I imagined. Don’t know if you understand when I say that 2006 was what I thought was the shock of a lifetime, then I had hoped that what we had experienced was just a campaign tactic and this was going to be a new way to get results, but as time went on I realized that the mis-take was not just a bad one, it was nightmare worthy.

Then 2020 started and I just felt paralyzed mentally. I felt like closing my eyes every day! I was so confused about our humanity. How can we let this happen? Is the world really as horrible as this?

I was so afraid that basic humanity was falling to the wayside. I was scared. I was hurt. I was hurt that I was hurt.

I would find myself chanting to myself, ‘Thank you for kindness’ in the hopes that somewhere in the universe there were other people pouring this vibration out. I felt like positive energy was being blocked…. I didn’t know what was going on!

Today, I realized that since Saturday night, every day I have been going through my Instagram feed just to see the reality of what just happened. Even just thinking about the election, I am all choked up.

I have started trying to do difficult math problems in my head when someone brings up the election because every time I see, hear, or even think about it, I get all choked up, and the tears and just ready to burst out!

It’s like being so in love you cannot contain it. I am so full, I am a mess!! I can’t even look at Joe or Kamala without tears. Is this normal? I don’t know, but I feel so sad that I was so scared for so long. I am so proud of Joe and Kamala for stepping up. It’s not easy to be criticized so much for trying to do what humanity needs.

For some reason, it feels like I have been holding my breath for so long trying to protect my heart, just in case. I am realizing now that I may be a pessimist.

I believe that when it is all said and done, we all want the same thing – a kinder place to live and share love with our loved one. We may not all agree on how that will happen, but that is all we want.

I am so hopeful for our humanity.

I am so grateful for our humanity.

I am so proud that our humanity speaks.

Thank you for your kindness.
