I just love President Obama. He greets the crowd with sheng! ‘Niaje Wasee, Hawayuni’! #PowerUp #ObamaInKenya #Kenya
Author: lizawisner
Our Teacher of the Year, Annie Mucheru-Garza, got a special invitation from the U.S. ambassador to see President Barack Obama while he’s […]
@realdonaldtrump really needs a PR team. Who allows this pic to be taken?!
“If you enjoy what you do, you’ll never work a day in your life.” Thanks for making my #Work #Life so enjoyable […]
“Your thoughts are what you say to yourself when no one is listening.” #PowerUp #LearningCC #LiveYourBestLife #Quotes #LizaWisner #OGDreamTeam http://LizaWisner.com
Your thoughts are what you say to yourself when no one is listening. #PowerUp #LiveYourBestLife #LearningCC #Thanks for recording my speech KB! […]
Super excited for this new year of #Toastmasters and #President of my club. Looking forward to changing lives and developing leaders… One […]
SuperHero day at City Hall in #CorpusChristi! Yes, batman wears heels in CC! #LearningCC #PowerUp #VivaCC #Batman #ThemeShirt
@realDonaldTrump’s big lead. #interesting.
Leap, and the net will appear! ~John Burroughs @projectbink #PowerUp #LiveYourBestLife #VivaCC #OGDreamTeam #LifeIsShort #TimeIsPrecious http://PowerUp.Org